Legislators should prioritize compliance to protect against legal and reputational harm. Here you’ll find a collection of articles written by our compliance experts that will help you steer clear of common compliance mistakes.
Compliance filings can be challenging, even tricky. I appreciate Dome Guide's commitment to providing Legislators and their staff with the information they need, and me, with the opportunity to keep you updated.
Compliance filings can be challenging, even tricky. I appreciate Dome Guide's commitment to providing Legislators and their staff with the information they need, and me, with the opportunity to keep you updated.
Compliance filings can be challenging, even tricky. I appreciate Dome Guide's commitment to providing Legislators and their staff with the information they need, and me, with the opportunity to keep you updated.
Due to the special elections for State Representative Districts 13 & 25, additional reporting requirements may be required if expenditures are made to support or oppose one of the candidates on the ballot.
The Special General will be held April 16, 2024. For reference, I’ve listed the campaign finance immediate disclosure reporting deadlines for committees participating in the April 16th Special Election (links to these were provided in January).
Due to the special elections for State Representative Districts 13 & 25, additional reporting requirements may be required if Independent Expenditures are made to support or oppose one of the candidates on the ballot.
Recent media coverage has spiked interest in C-4’s and the rise in the use of LLC’s as an alternative. This is a short primer on 501(c)(4)’s, 527’s, LLC’s and paying officeholder expenses under the Michigan Campaign Finance Act.
Compliance filings can be tricky and challenging. I appreciate Dome Magazine's commitment to providing Legislators and their staff with the information they need, and me, with the opportunity to keep you updated through Dome. I've been guiding clients with filings for 23 years and my goal is to provide you with the rationale, tips and pitfalls of filing. Please check here when you have questions or just need to know where to look to get answers. We will update the calendar and requirements as report dates are approaching.
Compliance filings can be tricky and challenging. I appreciate Dome Magazine's commitment to providing Legislators and their staff with the information they need, and me, with the opportunity to keep you updated through Dome. I've been guiding clients with filings for 23 years and my goal is to provide you with the rationale, tips and pitfalls of filing. Please check here when you have questions or just need to know where to look to get answers. We will update the calendar and requirements as report dates are approaching.
The relationship between campaign finance and lobbying are complex and the rules that apply to these activities are often confused. The two areas frequently intersect and reinforce each other as corporations and interest groups use both in order to advance their goals. In Michigan, two separate laws, the Michigan Campaign Finance Act (MCFA) and the Michigan Lobby Registration Act (MLRA) govern these activities.
Recently, three well-connected partners in a prominent California Strategies public affairs firm have agreed to pay fines to California’s political watchdog agency for attempting to influence state government decisions without registering as lobbyists1. In this case the partners, “crossed over the line which separates policy consultants from lobbyists.” In other situations, corporations have come under increased scrutiny for unwittingly participating in lobby activities without registration or proper financial disclosure.
A political action committee (PAC) is a type of organization that pools campaign contributions from persons or members and donates those funds to campaign for or against candidates, ballot initiatives, or legislation.
Is your PAC or Candidate Committee fundraising strategy in line with campaign finance rules? No matter what political fundraising model you use, be sure to keep your activities legal by knowing and following the applicable laws in the Michigan Campaign Finance Act (MCFA).
Compliance filings can be tricky and challenging. I appreciate Dome Magazine's commitment to providing Legislators and their staff with the information they need, and me, with the opportunity to keep you updated through Dome. I've been guiding clients with filings for 23 years and my goal is to provide you with the rationale, tips and pitfalls of filing. Please check here when you have questions or just need to know where to look to get answers. We will update the calendar and requirements as report dates are approaching.